Dedicated customer service for tenants of rental projects

Devimco Immobilier’s Customer Service division for rental apartments is comprised of some 100 professionals who are dedicated to delivering an unrivalled rental experience. This team is available even before the lease is signed and assists tenants daily.

We assist you before, during and after the move-in

First, the rental agent takes you on a tour of the project, common areas and your unit, and answers any questions you may have. Once your lease is signed, the administrative team takes over, handing you your keys and coordinating your move-in to ensure a smooth experience.

Where your comfort and safety come first

At Devimco Immobilier, the well-being of our tenants is a priority. That’s why the maintenance of common areas in every rental project is performed by professionals. Cleaning, snow removal, landscaping, yearly exterior window washing, and maintenance of elevators and living areas are all taken care of.

What’s more, the rental team is available at all times at each of our rental projects.

Tenants can reach our administrative team Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., for any request they may have to ensure their comfort. Renowned for its availability and active presence, this team makes a point of maintaining fast, efficient communication at all times.

Finally, to ensure tenants’ safety, each project has a proactive security service. All of our projects in Solar Uniquartier, on the South Shore, and throughout Montreal have access to a 24/7 emergency hotline.


Discover our rental projects

Contact our Customer Service for residential rental projects